Ninty Days Acne battle to Victory
In August I have decided to join the face lifting marathon through the face yoga/ massage online group. My excitement and urge to fix my wrinkles blinded me to the degree that it wiped all my knowledge and principles out of how to proceed with the skin novelty that may cause side effects. I have dove into this massage insanity so fast and hard that I even decided to ignore the signs of skin purging.
Why should you take ABS exercises seriously
Abs Exercises are absolutely fundamental for the body and to be considered compulsory at least twice a week, and here are the reasons why.
Mid Week Pick me up with Wholesome “Venetian Night” Lasagna!
We found for us Wednesday night is one of those nights when we organise the Lasagna cooking event. It makes the week look more exciting, and things like cooking nice warm gathering meals are the key!
Making our bed every morning leads us to a more productive & successful life
Why should we make our bed every morning?
My mum always told me: “Your day starts in your bedroom”, which made me wonder why such things in life matter and how exactly they can start my day?
It May sound like banality for many hence why we will zoom into the fundamentals of it.
Hand Washing Ritual
An Idea of writing a little poem for the hand-washing rushed into my head when the whole country was in the thick of the Corona Virus Dilemma.