If somebody told us six months ago that we will be approached by incredibly transmissible and deadly virus that will affect the most population targeting to kill the elderly, we would have been more prepared or at least had time to get semi-ready for it.
As a matter of fact, It has attacked us aggressively spreading alone like a storm swamping masses to death and despair. We were not ready for the virus that has the intensity of affecting human’s body in a more severe manner than other respiratory viruses would, mainly overwhelming the lungs and hindering airways which may lead to breathing inability.
From what we have acquired, COVID-19 is hard to detect as it stays in the body with no symptoms ranging from 3 to 5 days. It has extremely strong survival span, it showed that it is detectable in the air for up to 4 hours, on the cardboard up to 24 hours while on stainless steel it stays for 2 days and plastic for 3 days. Those simple facts lead us to the conclusion that COVID-19 is a very resilient virus with great stamina to survival on objects, thus we must as a community use serious hygiene precautions and do everything, we can to avoid getting infected with it. I will run through a few aspects which will help to go through these tough times unravelling what’s involved and how to manage it practising safety and precautions while strengthening our bodies.
1.1 Washing hands with Soap & Water
Wash your hands with a hard bar of soap saying three times happy birthday, then wipe your hands with a Paper Towel. Please note, do not use a normal towel for wiping your hands as the virus remains in the fabric after 10 washes unless you bleached it or washed it in 95 degrees Celsius hot water.
Washing your hands with normal soap and water is always the most effective way and we will unfold the reasoning of it in a few simple steps:
a) The soap contains both water- and fat-soluble aspects to its molecular structure.
b) Soap can chemically bond with both fat and water.
c) Soap is soluble in water which together creates foam and then attaches to the oil (sebum) on our skin.
d) Contaminants such as viruses and other bacteria bind to our skin sebum or oil.
e) Oil in Contaminants and oil on human’s skin that renews every hour attaches to each other because of the chemical attraction to one another.
f) Soap removes the skin sebum oil as well as the contaminant oil from the virus when water washes the skin.
Soap has a fat-soluble aspect of its molecular structure. Microbes, including viruses, have cells surrounded by a Phospholipid Bilayer-based membrane this implies that their membrane is fat-soluble on its outside surface. Soap chemically pulls the fats out of the membrane structure to bond with it, dissolving the cell membrane entirely. No cellular membrane means death for the microbes, so the soap will dissolve cellular membranes and chemically destroy microbes’ structures.
1.2 When to wash your hands:
1.3 If hand washing is not an option:
1.4 What kind of Hand Sanitizer to Use?
There are a lot of hand sanitizers out there, please aim at hand sanitizers greater than 60% of alcohol content. The most reliable brands that usually produce those listed below.
1.5 If you have no hand sanitizers available:
1.6 How to make Alcohol sanitizer at home 70% strength
2.1 Face Touching
Our face has three susceptible areas through which any type of foreign organisms such as microbes and viruses can snick in. Those are Our Eyes, Nose and Mouth.
Please make sure your hands go nowhere near your face, as it is a straight exposure of easy intake of any nasties.
2.2 Face Masks for our own good?
In these vulnerable times when we are surrounded by highly contagious virus COVID-19 please wear masks when you are going into crowded places. We will look into a few types of masks which may assist in avoiding getting infected with COVID-19.
Let’s focus on two types of masks which may help in prevention of getting exposed to COVID-19:
To summarise, surgical masks alone cannot solely protect against infection from COVID 19, It does not provide the sufficient filter rate through the material of the mask for the smaller particles of respiration but it also does not prevent air passing through the sides of the mask as you inhale.
On the contrary, N95 masks do provide protection against the smaller respiratory droplets that contain viruses such as COVID19. However, as discussed before there are associated risks which were clearly highlighted by CDC, i.e. proper mask fitting plus appropriate handling of it after each use. If N95 mask is not correctly fitted and tested and is used in an inappropriate manner they can be frustrating to wear for extended periods of time due to discomfort.
It is important to remember the limitations of a surgical mask. Namely, they do not protect against infection but they do provide some ability to capture infectious respiratory fluids. This can be very important with assisting prevent the spread of the COVID-19 to others around you.
How to use the disposable mask:
1. Ensure you have cleaned your hands with Soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer using sanitizers with more than 60% Alcohol content.
2. Make sure the integrity of mask is in tack i.e. no holes etc
3. The metal strip on the mask is at the top
4. Check if the correct side of the mask is facing out so the inward side is against the face.
5. Compress the metal strip to mould to your nose
6. Place the elastic straps behind your ears or tie back behind your head if with ties.
7. Make sure the mask now covers your nose, mouth, and chin.
8. Remember do not touch the mask after placing it. If you do then proceed to re-washing your hands immediately.
9. To remove the mask do so by the straps and do not touch the face of the mask where you have effectively been inhaling through
10. Then dispose of the mask in an appropriate manner cleaning hands afterwards.
11. Surgical masks are disposable do not reuse them
12. Replace if they become damp and or any damage occurs to the mask
2.3 Use of a mask caring for a patient with COVID-19?
In the event if you must care for a person in your home that has COVID-19, do the following :
2.4 Type of masks
The Masks to look for, KN95 or N95, those masks are explained to be protecting you from contaminant’s particles with its filtration strength of 95%. Those codes of identification KN95 and N95 stand for the country various regulatory standards code assigned to the different countries. KN95 standard is assigned to China, while N-95 designated to the USA. There are also standards such as FFP2 for Europe;
P2 for Australia/New Zealand; Korea 1st class for Korea; DS for Japan.
Please note there are two types of reusable masks available, reusable plain and with the breathing valve. The disposable masks are surgical masks.
3. Household Hygiene
3.1 Surfaces Sanitizing
3.2 Household garments washing
Try to wash your bath towels more frequently than usual, perhaps once in three days would be perfect.
The cloths for wiping that you use at your kitchen and tea towels must be washed every day.
3.3 Floors Hygiene
Please make sure you vacuum your floors frequently. If you have no carpets, mop your floors with Dettol or other disinfectants twice a week. If someone is sick at your household with the virus, you will have to mope your floors every day.
Little note. We never know how long the lockdown during COVID-19 will last for, all we know is that we are houses bind until it ends. We have to remember and understand one thing, in doing so we are helping each other to stay safe and our medical system to keep up without major losses to the communities.
4.1 We are here in the thick of it, please stay Positive
For the past three months we sighted mortifying events of broken people, family’s cities and countries, the world was filled with multiple deaths, all kind of losses accompanied by emotional and financial despair. We have seen the places around the world getting swamped with lockdown regimens implemented in countries to just flatten the curve of this monstrous COVID-19 coronation which hogged people’s lives physically and mentally. The brutality of it is written away upon countries, cities, streets and people’s faces and tattooed in their hearts. No one has expected this Armageddon of 2020 on the edge of scientific and technological nirvana to come and destroy people’s dreams, lives and places so fearlessly so briefly…We simply were not ready for this, not now….. The whole entire world has been overflown with fear and panic, all we are trying to do now is survive with less damage to society and humanity. So far we have been doing the best we know-how, learning from one another as we go forwards winning this battle with COVID-19 with plus or minus lives saved. As you probably have experienced already, people went crazy in causing chaos in the supermarkets, pharmacies preparing themselves for the worst time to come. No one to blame that is just human’s nature being genetically encrypted in us, our habitual manner of how to race to survive or live it to the fullest if tomorrow never comes. Either or we are doing it the best we can and know-how!
Here we are right now in New Zealand with borders shut, in level 4 of emergency, over 200 cases of COVID-19 infestation, with dozens already passed critical states and recovered, maybe dozen in critical care but under control. We are all doing what we can to help one another and others, at least that’s what we were told we are doing for this to work to get out of it with no major damage. Millions of dollars losses later we are on the curve of conquering this viral animal no matter what. We are New Zealanders on the lockdown for weeks starting 26th of March 2020, with ability to go to the nearby supermarkets, beaches and parks using social distancing precautions of 2 metres apart, the farther the better! Might as well getting our positivity up working and studying from home beautiful people! Keep your chins up, be creative and ’Eat pray love’!
4.2 How to stay positive:
You may doubt but our minds are designed to work as a success-oriented serve mechanism that only knows how to succeed. It will always make the best possible decision with the information available in hand, we were born this way, to find the way to win, so let’s do it the best we can.
4.3 Use the Lockdown time and have some fun
The advantages of being in lockdown: As funny as it may sound you wouldn’t even notice how you’ve been working on self-development graduating into a better more skilful person. You have also had a brilliant opportunity to get to know one another better while locked in with your family.
There were and will be all sorts of viruses, fungi infections and other illnesses or health dis-balances at all times surrounding us left and right. The only way to get through it all is to ensure we are looking after our immune system. In order of having our immune system at its pick, we have to make sure we work for it not against it. Here are some insides of how to maximise your immune system.
In order for your immune system to function at its pick, we must exercise! The fundamental truth to the exercise necessity holds the simple ground which I will explain in two steps.
1. Exercise for Lymphatic system. Our lymphatic system is a housing for our immune cells which are responsible for dealing with abnormal cells growth of any nature and other foreign and harmful substances. When we exercise we perform body movement which generates muscle construction what makes lymphatic fluids flow. This process simply serves our lymphatic system with a ‘Pump mechanism’ to help lymphatic fluids circulating through the body ridding our organs of the toxins and corrupted cells. After exercise, our lymphatic fluid recycles pumping back into the bloodstream which then filters through the kidneys where waste is sent to be passed out through our urine. The efficiently circulated lymphatic fluid makes your lymphatic system strong which in exchange serves our bodies in a perfect manner
2. Exercise for healthy Blood circulation. Blood circulation is a flow of blood through our veins which delivers oxygen throughout the body in order to eliminate toxins. Originally the blood circulation is inept it cannot merely flow with an optimal velocity without external help therefore it needs to be boosted. The easiest way to do it is to move your body in a vigorous manner and that’s where exercise comes into the place. We must exercise or move our bodies every day to increase our blood flow which will reward us with the following:
To take away, you have to exercise or be active every day no matter what we did touch base in paragraph 5.1 what is the necessity of it and what does it actually mean to our health. So all we have to do now is to plan for it and allow it to come into our life.
Here is an approximate fitness plan you can acquire:
Monday: 35 minutes of HIIT: 3 min Warm-Up; Upper body, Abs, Lower body & cardio plus 3 minutes Cool down. Make each circuit made out of 3:2:1 intervals: 3-minutes Strength; 2-minutes cardio; 1-minute abs repeated twice.
Tuesday: You can do 30 minutes of Abs workout, 3 minutes warm-up make 3 circuits finishing each of them with the cardio and round up your workout with 3 minutes of cool-down
Wednesday: By day 3 you will be probably a bit stiff, so take it easy and unload doing 30 minutes cardio or go for a 9 km walk. It should take you about 1 hour walking 9 km at a fast pace.
Thursday: Make it your 30 minutes lower body workout. Same style 3 minutes Warm-up Lower body loading 3 circuits with 2 minutes cardio in between and finish it off with nice 3 minutes cool-down. Or you could do Abs workout again, just do a different one. Last time I’ve looked abs were never enough because our core is the hardest one to exhaust you can deploy it harder!
Friday: Make it Heavy weight lifting day. 30 minutes of 3 circuits of slowly lifting exercises with 5 minutes warm-up and 5 minutes cool-down. Heavyweight lifting will never make your body baulky on the contrary, It will make it leaner and stronger and improve your hormonal system increasing your longevity.
Saturday: Finish off your week with nice 30 minutes cardio at your home, or go for 30 minutes run. If you run for 30 minutes you would most probably cover 6 km or something like that depending on your speed. You can also interval run: 5-minutes run 1-minute walk and so on until you exhaust 30 minutes.
Sunday: is your rest day!
There is no brainer that if we are lean on the outside we are lean on the inside too. However what if we were overweight and it was showing on the exterior of our body what happens in the interior of it? Let’s dig a little bit deeper into that.
There are three types of fat that we carry as humans: Essential Fat; Subcutaneous Fat and Visceral Fat.
1. Essential fat: Is the fat that can be found in the tiny amounts in our muscles, organs nervous system and bone marrow. It is names Essential because without that we cannot function in an optimal way, we need it for our regulatory processes, hormonal system and our structural strength. It is estimated to be healthy ranging in men 3-5% and in women 11-14%.
2. Subcutaneous fat: is located under our skin, body stores it there for the energy to be used later in extreme situations when food is not available. The body also uses it for the muscle and bone as a connecting tissue and also as a padding or protective layer from injuries and hits. Subcutaneous fat also required for body for temperature regulation serving us with essential insolation in other to keep warm. It is certainly good to know that subcutaneous fat is used by the body for good purposes but how much is enough? It is estimated that by measuring your body mass index (BMI), which provides us with the weight to our height ratio drawing the following standards:
3. Visceral Fat: is a very dangerous fat for our body, it is absolutely nasty and it grows over our abdominal area jeopardizing our major organs namely liver, kidneys intestines pancreas and our heart. So if we look at ourselves and see a bit floppy arms, love handles, a bit bigger thighs, a tiny bit wider buttox and little muffin top tummy it rings the bell: “yeah baby.. here it is lurking inside of you like an evil thing which is after our beautiful organs”. So now when we know we have it we have to kick it because if we don’t not only we compromise our immune system we also in risk to develop one tp few of the following:
To sum up, to put our body into the weight loss mode we have to consume lesser calories than we burn. To prevent gaining weight altogether we have to consume the same amount of calories as we burn. Just remember one thing though, we can never consume more calories than we burn at any circumstance – period, it does not only overload our digestive organs it also slows down our metabolism, makes us tired and reduces our body’s ability to fight viruses, germ and infections. Staying Lean also means to eat wholesome foods, those are wholegrain and wholemeal carbohydrates, fibres, vegetables, a little bit of fruit, berries, seeds and organic proteins. Under no circumstances, simple or processed carbohydrates and SUGAR contribute to the method of staying lean, if consuming those will put your body into a chemical loading mode which triggers hormonal disbalances which again compromises your immune system and leads to the degenerative diseases.
5.4 Cleanse your body on an everyday basis ‘ A little bit every day, goes a long way!’
We have to make sure we gently cleanse our bodies every day on the noninvasive way. We have to reboot our digestive system by unclogging vital organs in charge of it- just like you reboot your smartphone in order for it to refresh and function like new again. Thus will free up some space in our bodies from unnecessary debris and food waste and allow the immune system to run itself on the optimal level recharging with new nutrition coming in to feed our cells to rebuild, recycle. Subsequently, it will benefit our bodies with vigorous energy and clear mind fueling us with a powerful drive to thrive.
1. First thing in the morning, have your Lemon water. Take a Glass of water and fresh lemon, cut it into two halve squeezing it into the water. In order for it to work, please stay away from food for 30 to 40 minutes after that. The benefits of lemon water as follow:
2. Take 2-3 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar in the glass of water straight after your lemon water to emphasise the power of detoxification.
Apple cider vinegar has plenty of healthful properties which induce the anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiparasite and antioxidant effect.
Apple cider vinegar helping in weight loss, curbing your appetite, reducing cholesterol and lowering your blood sugar by improving insulin sensitivity.
3. Drink 2 to 3 Litters of water a day to flush out your toxins. That amount excludes teas and coffees as those are diuretics and curb your hydration.
5.5 Strong Immunity Nutritional SAGA
5.6 Supplemental nutrients, For the optimal body functioning and immune defence.
5.7 Supplementation that may assist you in fighting respiratory infections If you become sick, you can take below higher doses for three days.
At the times when you are down with viral or respiratory illness please rest a lot, as your immune system needs to fight ailment along with rebuilding itself to its optimal level. In order to do that your body requires a lot of energy as it battles foreign microorganisms and repairing the cellular damages on the optimum level. To achieve that you need to be still and relax so you can deploy all the energy towards your body’s recovery. Drink a lot of water to flush your body properly purging your body of toxic waste.
Some of the articles pointed out that for critically ill patients with pneumonia that led to sepsis in some countries, The Vitamin C Intravenous cocktails in conjunction with thiamine were used. The IV the protocol was followed of 1,500 mg of vitamin C 200 mg of thiamine administered every 6h (in total 6g of ascorbic acid daily) had a huge impact in battling sepsis, In some cases, hydrocortisone IV was used too. In natural Treatment of post pneumonia sepsis also showed benefit in using supplementation such as Vitamin D, Curcumin, Quercetin, Bromelain, Frankincense, Myrrh and Naringin. Those patients treated with the vitamin C/Thiamine protocol shown to have 8.5% death rate while those non-treated had a death rate of 40.4%.
The content published in NZEALTH website is the result of learning clinical experience and/or research by independent individuals or organizations. NZEALTH is not responsible for the scientific accuracy or reliability of data or conclusions published herein. All content published within NZEALTH is intended only for educational, research and reference purposes. Additionally, articles published within NZEALTH should not be deemed a suitable substitute for the advice of qualified health care professional. Do not disregard or avoid professional medical advice due to content published within NZEALTH
https://www.mdanderson.org/publications/focused-on-health/exercise-and-the-lymphatic-system.h20-1592991.html https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/319236#strategies-for-shedding-subcutaneous-fat